Heart of the Forest Footpath Sessions
Help improve and maintain some of the key footpaths across the Heart of the Forest with Groundworks.
These initial two sessions will focus on some much needed practical work on footpath P35 (also known as the incline), situated next to the new housing estate off Measham Road in Moira. The footpath leads along the old Newfield Colliery site which is now a woodland. The sessions will focus on cutting back some of the vegetation (brambles, elder, hawthorn) to open up the paths, so that it will get some sunshine and hopefully become a bit drier, as its currently very muddy.
Thursday 9 February, 10am – 1pm
Thursday 16 February, 10am – 1pm
If you are willing to help out then just turn up at the footpath on Measham Road. Groundworks will provide gloves, loppers, bowsaws and all other equipment and of course chocolate biscuits. Please come in sturdy footwear, old clothes/waterproof and bring a drink with you. To take part no special experience or skills are required as all health and safety training and supervision will be covered by Marion.
Future sessions will include installing a waymark post and further footpath discs to help guide the way.
NB, there are no toilets at the meeting point. Closest located at Moira Furnace.